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Hawk Ridge Productions

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Images © copyright 2007 DJ Reese.

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Magick for the 21st Century 4 DVD Set


Magick for the 21st Century
with Philip H. Farber

4 DVD Set

Approx. 7 hours, NTSC


What happens when Magick and NLP meet? The Magick for the 21st Century 4-DVD set uses modalities of NLP and hypnosis to explore and teach the traditions of ceremonial magick. It's a great introduction to both magick and NLP!

These videos are the bridge between magick and Meta-Magick. They document the very last time that Philip H. Farber taught material from his well-known magick primer, FutureRitual: Magick for the 21st Century. It was also the last time that he taught The Perfected Self ritual. And it was the first time that he revealed Meta-Magick group evocation techniques.

Magick for the 21st Century starts with an exploration of a "traditional" banishing ritual, Aleister Crowley's "Star Ruby" ritual. Phil then continues on where Crowley left off, taking magick toward a smooth emergence into the 21st Century.

When you get your own Magick for the 21st Century DVD set, you'll learn and witness some incredible things:

The Magick for the 21st Century DVDs are aimed at people who are committed enough to actually WATCH, LISTEN to the explanations, and USE the techniques. Is that you? You could spend years buying books, reading obscure texts, and learning through trial and error. OR you can cut through the b.s. right now and order the DVDs that can take whatever you do to a brand new level of excellence.

Order Now! $189 postpaid to the USA and Canada:

Add $10 for shipping to all other destinations: